
पीठ के निचले हिस्से मे दर्द से बचने के उपाय | Dr Vikram Patidar | Spine Surgeon in Indore

पीठ के निचले हिस्से मे दर्द से बचने के उपाय स्वस्थ जीवन शैली नियमित व्यायाम (पेदल चलना, योग, तेराकी) सही मुद्रा (एर्गोंनोमिक्स कुर्सी, उचित फर्नीचर) नियमित जांच

"Tips to Keep Your Spine Healthy" | Dr. Vikram Patidar

Blog by Dr. Vikram Patidar Spine Surgeon-Indore a. Let your spine really rest while sleeping. While you're lying down, all the structures in your spine that have worked hard all day finally have an opportunity to relax and be rejuvenated. To make the most of this time, you need a mattress and pillows that allow your spine to rest in a supported and comfortable way. b. Exercise your core to strengthen abs and back muscles. Your core muscles—located in your lower back and abdomen—need to be strong and supple in order to support your spine and take pressure off your lower back. c. Your shoes need to support your spine. Whether you're walking for exercise or just to get where you're going, the shoes you wear play an important role in supporting your lower back. Good shoes provide a supportive base that helps the spine and body remain in alignment. For example, make sure the area of the shoe that fits the back of your heel is snug, but not overly tight. A good fit prevents

Back Pain Relief: How Does Weight Affect Pain? | Dr Vikram Patidar | Indore's Spine Surgeon

Studies have shown that over one-third of obese Americans suffer from musculoskeletal joint and back pain. While there are many possible reasons for this, experts agree that there is a direct correlation between excess weight and how a person is affected by pain. For many who carry extra weight, back pain relief may be more difficult to achieve. EXCESS WEIGHT AND PAIN RELIEF There are many red flags connecting excess weight to issues with pain and pain management. Excess weight, particularly in the midsection of the body, shifts a body’s center of gravity forward and leads to poor posture, creating strain on the back muscles. Overweight patients are also at a greater risk of suffering from conditions such as sciatica, herniated discs and pinched nerves. Damage to the spine, particularly to the discs and vertebrae, can result from carrying extra weight. The strain on the joints from excess weight can lead to a greater risk of osteoarthritis. Lack of exercise and a sedentary lif

Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy| Dr Vikram Patidar | Spine Expert in Indore

  As pregnancy progresses, it’s not uncommon for expectant mothers to begin experiencing back pain as their bodies change. However, understanding what triggers the pain and possible ways to alleviate it can greatly benefit mothers-to-be and help them find the upper or lower back pain relief they are looking for. WHAT TRIGGERS BACK PAIN IN PREGNANCY? A pregnant woman’s body goes through many drastic changes in a short period of time. These changes may enable her to carry her child safely, but they do little to make her feel comfortable or pain-free. Back pain during pregnancy is triggered by a number of changes the body undergoes: WEIGHT GAIN. Typically, a woman can gain anywhere from 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. The back has to compensate for the extra weight it’s carrying around, causing discomfort and pain. PHYSICAL AND HORMONAL CHANGES. As a woman’s body prepares for childbirth, hormones are released into the body that enable joints and ligaments to loosen and become more pliable.

“आपकी पीठ में लगातार दर्द होते रहना हो सकता है स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस (spinal stenosis) का संकेत”

आईये  जाने इस समस्या और निदान  के  बारे में विस्तार से:  हमारी पीठ का निचे वाला भाग  जिसे हम  लंबर स्पाइन  कहते हे,   5 बड़ी हड्डियों से मिलकर बनती है। इन हड्डियों के बीच डिस्क के नाम से जाने वाली मुलायम गद्दियां मौजूद होती हैं। इन हड्डियों में  एक  एक छेद होता है, जो हड्डियों को एक पाइप यानी कि नलिका का रूप देता है। हड्डियों के बीच का यह छेद रीढ़ की नसों के लिए रास्ते का काम करता है। जब यह छेद पतला होने लगता है, तो इसे लंबर केनल स्टेनोसिस (lumbar canal stenosis) बोलते हे । इसी के कारन स्वरुप पीठ के निचले हिस्से से पैरों तक जाने वाली नसों पर दबाव पड़ता है। तथा नसों पर पड़े दबाव की वजह से आई सूजन के कारण आपके पीठ में दर्द बना रहता है|  स्पाइन सर्जन डॉक्टर विक्रम पाटीदार का कहना हे की spinal stenosis की समस्या युवक युवतियों  को जन्म संबंधी कारणों से प्रभावित कर सकती है,  परन्तु 45 वर्ष से अधिक  उम्र के लोगों को यह समस्या ज्यादा हो सकती  है। बढ़ती उम्र के साथ डिस्क का गुदगुदापन कम होता जाता है, जिसके कारण डिस्क छोटी और सख्त होने लगती है।  आईये जाने क्या है इस समस्या का निदान: इस बीमारी क